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APH Blog

Social Media Accessibility Checklist

Accessibility matters, even on social media! To celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day (#GAAD) we challenge you to make your social...

Kay Chase’s Trail to Braille

This is part of our series on the importance of braille literacy. We asked braille readers about their introduction to...

The Museum of the American Printing House for the Blind: Attracting Visitors from Around the World

Our museum offers interactive exhibits that chronicle the history of the Braille code, the educational history of people who are...

Accessible Tests: Leveling the Academic Playing Field

The Accessible Tests Resource Center serves as a hub of information for teachers of students that are visually impaired. Learn...

Getting the Most out of BrailleBlaster: Quick and Easy Tutorials

BrailleBlaster! BrailleBlaster? Is it a video game? Is it a superhero? No, even better, it’s a free, braille transcription program...

Stevie Wonder’s Trail to Braille

This is part of our series on the importance of braille literacy. We asked braille readers about their introduction to...