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Blind Visionary

Practical Lessons For Meeting Challenges On the Way To a More Fulfilling Life And Career


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Catalog Number: A-B0896-00

Publication Date: 20100101

ISBN: 978-0-9798894-4-8


Product Description

Virginia Jacko was a highly successful senior financial executive at Purdue University when she was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa-in her case, she would go completely blind. The Blind Visionary tells Virginia’s true, inspiring journey-from having to start over in life as a vocational rehabilitation student at the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired to becoming the Lighthouse’s president and CEO just four years later. One of only a handful of blind chief executives in the country, Virginia became an outstanding chief executive, doubling the Lighthouse’s revenues and dramatically diversifying its program offerings. The coauthors discuss in the closing chapter four practical lessons, drawn from Virginia’s odyssey, that will help readers find the courage to take action, create positive change, and live fully in the face of whatever challenges might come their way. This amazing success story will inspire you to overcome obstacles on your way to building a more satisfying personal and professional life.

  • Weight: 4 lbs

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