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Code Jumper

Code Jumper™ assists students in learning computer coding and programming skills through a unique, physical system.


Federal Quota Eligible

1526 in stock

Catalog Number: 1-02700-00

Product Description

Originally designed by Microsoft ® and developed by APH, this fun and engaging product is designed to teach students how to write computer code. Code Jumper technology takes block coding off the screen and puts it on the table in front of you, making it accessible to all students. Brightly colored plastic pods with oversized buttons and knobs are connected by “jumper cables” (thick cords) to physically create computer code that can tell stories, music, and even crack jokes.

NEW! You can now power Code Jumper from a Chromebook or Android device with the FREE Code Jumper Android App, available now on the Google Play Store. Customers who have a MATT Connect can download the Android App and use it to pair with their Code Jumper.

**Note: When using the app on an Android device, users will see one thread at a time, and must swipe between the four threads. The app is supported on Chromebooks released 2019 or later. To identify Chromebooks compatible with Code Jumper, refer to this list of Chrome OS systems supporting Android Apps.

COMING SOON! We are hard at work developing a Code Jumper iOS app. Stay tuned!

  • “It became really clear that the most popular path to introducing young children to coding wasn’t very accessible. We realized we really need something physical; something that would excite the hands.” – Cecily Morrison, Microsoft researcher and computer scientist and Microsoft project leader for Code Jumper

    “I felt very independent, and I liked that. It made me inspired to do more coding.” – Daniel Johnson, 11 years old and student at New College Worcester, United Kingdom

    “There really isn’t an equivalent to this physical way of programming.” – Jonathan Fogg, head of computing and IT at New College Worcester, United Kingdom

    “If you put this in a classroom, not only is the student who is blind going to be using this, but every student in the classroom is going to want a crack at it. From a teacher’s perspective, that’s all you ever really want—something that’s inclusive.” – Dr. Craig Meador, APH President and longtime educator

    “I can’t wait until Code Jumper is available! This is a perfect “born accessible” coding curriculum that’s appropriate for all students/teachers to use as a part of teaching coding!” – Expert Tester Feedback

    “Overall, I found it to be a very well-thought-out product that was highly motivating for students, and the lessons were clearly presented.” – Expert Tester Feedback

    “I think it’ll be an incredibly helpful tool for achieving [coding] goals. It’s a much needed introductory tool for doing this.” – Expert Tester Feedback

  • Weight: 8 lbs

    Dimensions: 19 × 15 × 7 in

    Product Type: Assistive

    Language: English

    Federal Quota Funds: Available

    • Specially developed classroom curriculum (19 lessons representing 25 hours of classroom instruction). The lessons include unplugged activities, guided activities, tutorial videos and exploration time. The curriculum also encourages use of a computer science journal. The lessons span a full range of skills from the basics of computer programming to more complex topics, like topographies and binary numbers. Each lesson includes an unguided activity, a Code Jumper guided activity, exploration time, tutorial videos, journaling and an assessment.
    • – resource website where lessons, along with the User Guide, can be downloaded
    • Code Jumper is compatible with Windows PCs through the Code Jumper App for Windows and with Android and Chromebook devices through the Code Jumper Android App.
    • Quick Start Sheet (print and braille)
    • Durable carrying case with the following accessories:
    • 1 hub
    • 8 play pods
    • 3 pause pods
    • 2 loop pods
    • 1 selection pod
    • 1 merge pod
    • 8 constant plugs
    • 3 variable plugs
    • 1 random plug
    • 1 infinity plug
    • 1 plus plug
    • 1 minus plug
    • 1 extender cable
    • 1 bag for all plugs
  • Customer Service and Technical Support

    Toll-Free: 800-223-1839 (U.S. and Canada)
    Fax: 502-899-2284
    Hours: Monday–Friday 8:00am–8:00pm EST

  • Contact Customer Service to discuss your warranty options.