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Cortical Visual Impairment: An Approach to Assessment and Intervention, 2nd Edition

Cortical Visual Impairment: An Approach to Assessment and Intervention provides educators, therapists, physicians, and parents of children with CVI with an understanding of the condition and a complete framework for assessment and intervention.


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Catalog Number: F-B0005-EPUB


Catalog Number: F-B0005-00

Publishers: APH Press

Authors: Christine Roman-Lantzy

ISBN: 978-0-89128-829-9

Format: Print, EPUB

Product Description

The second edition brings the book up-to-date with new research and insights into CVI, its development and progression, and the best approaches to assessment and intervention with children affected by this condition. As in the previous edition, assessment forms, including the CVI Range and CVI Progress Chart, provide a comprehensive method for evaluating the functional vision status of, and program planning for, children with CVI.

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  • Federal Quota Funds: Not Available

    Publishers: APH Press

    Authors/Editors: Christine Roman-Lantzy

    Media: Book

    Format: Print, EPUB

    Language: English

    • Cortical Visual Impairment: An Overview
    • Medical and Other Causes of Cortical Visual Impairment
    • Visual and Behavioral Characteristics of Children with Cortical Visual Impairment
    • The Primacy of Parents --Functional Vision Assessment: The CVI Range
    • Program Planning and Intervention
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