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Decision-Making Guide

Decision Making Guide: A Guide to Print Size Selection provides an easy formula to determine the most appropriate print size for an individual who is visually impaired.


Federal Quota Eligible

151 in stock

Catalog Number: 7-96156-00

Product Description

The process presented provides valuable information that can be used as a beginning estimate for appropriate print size. The estimate is reached as part of a learning media assessment with the use of word, sentence, and passage reading charts to arrive at print sizes needed for various tasks, according to an individual’s eye function.

Note: APH suggests purchasing a box to store all the cards in the Decision Making Guide. We do not recommend these cards be 3-hole punched. 

  • Weight: 6.25 lbs

    Dimensions: 12.5 × 17.375 × 2.25 in

    Product Type: Reading and Writing

    Federal Quota Funds: Available

    • Includes:
    • Bailey-Lovey Charts (word reading, sentence reading, passage sample, and pre-primer sentence reading)
    • Guidebook, in large print
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