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Everyday Mathematics, Student Math Journal, Volume 1


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Catalog Number: A-B1434-00

Publication Date: 20160101

ISBN: 978-0-02-143099-4


Product Description

Everyday Mathematics is a comprehensive Pre-K through Grade 6 mathematics program engineered for the Common Core State Standards. Developed by The University of Chicago, School Mathematics Project, the Everyday Mathematics spiral curriculum continually reinforces abstract math concepts through concrete real-world applications. The spiral curriculum of Everyday Mathematics® helps ensure students master key concepts by continually revisiting content in a variety of contexts over time. Everyday Mathematics 4 brings a new level of transparency to the spiral, adding to your confidence that your students will master the standards for each grade. You are empowered to help your students succeed because you can clearly see how content develops across lessons and easily pinpoint each student’s mastery level for every standard at any point in the year. — Publisher

  • Weight: 24 lbs

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