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Foundations of Education: Volume II: Instructional Strategies for Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments

The highly anticipated third edition of the essential textbook in the field of blindness and visual impairment is completely revised and updated for the 21st century.

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Catalog Number: F-B0009-EPUB


Catalog Number: F-B0009-00

Catalog Number: F-B0009

Publishers: APH Press

Authors: Cheryl Kamei-Hannan, M. Cay Holbrook, Tessa McCarthy

ISBN: 978-0-89128-773-5

Format: Print, EPUB

Product Description

Foundations of Education: Volume II, Instructional Strategies for Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments, contains additional material on planning instruction, moving from assessment to instruction, and supporting students with visual impairments in the general education classroom Instructional strategies are also highlighted, with chapters dedicated to each area of the core or expanded core curriculum.

Icons throughout the volume, direct readers to audio introductions, chapter overviews, learning activities, videos, resource lists, and downloadable forms housed in an exclusive, web-based Learning Center.

To view the Table of Contents, please see the “Includes” section.

This item is made to order or is digital, therefore all sales are final.

Please note, that our publisher is experiencing delays of approximately 5 weeks in the fulfillment of print books.

  • Federal Quota Funds: Not Available

    Publishers: APH Press

    Authors/Editors: Cheryl Kamei-Hannan, M. Cay Holbrook, Tessa McCarthy

    Media: Book

    Format: Print, EPUB

    Language: English

    • Table of Contents:
    • Creating and Nurturing Effective Educational Teams / Irene L. Topor and Sunggye Hong
    • Overview of Assessment / Kim T. Zebehazy, Cheryl Kamei-Hannan, and Lizbeth A. Barclay
    • Assessment Techniques / Cheryl Kamei-Hannan, Lizbeth A. Barclay, and Kim T. Zebehazy
    • Specialized Assessments / M. Cay Holbrook, Darick Wright, and Ike Presley
    • Moving from Assessment to Instruction / Kim T. Zebehazy and Tessa McCarthy
    • Planning Instruction in Unique Skills / M. Cay Holbrook and L. Penny Rosenblum
    • Supporting Differentiated Instruction and Inclusion in General Education / M. Cay Holbrook and L. Penny Rosenblum
    • Educating Groups about Students with Visual Impairments / M. Cay Holbrook and Jo Ellen Croft
    • Modifying and Designing Instruction
    • Early Childhood Interventions / Tanni L. Anthony
    • Students with Visual Impairments and Additional Disabilities / Jane N. Erin
    • Compensatory Skills / Tessa McCarthy and M. Cay Holbrook
    • Literacy Skills / M. Cay Holbrook, Frances Mary D'Andrea, and Diane P. Wormsley
    • Social Studies / David B. Ross and Nicole Johnson
    • Science / Tiffany A. Wild and Karen E. Koehler
    • Mathematics / Derrick W. Smith
    • Arts Education / Donna McNear and Callie M. Brusegaard
    • Physical Education and Health / Carol Farrenkopf, Duncan McGreggor, Gaylen Kapperman, and Stacy M. Kelly
    • Sensory Efficiency: Assessment and Instructional Strategies / Tanni L. Anthony
    • Assistive Technology / Cheryl Kamei-Hanna, Dona Brostek Lee, and Ike Presley
    • Orientation and Mobility / Nora Griffin-Shirley and Sharon Trusty
    • Independent Living Skills / Kim T. Zebehazy, Lynn A. Fox, and Christie A. Peel
    • Social Skills / Sharon Z. Sacks and Brett Page
    • Recreation and Leisure / Duncan McGregor and Carol Farrenkopf
    • Career Education / Karen E. Wolffe --Self-Determination / Adam P. Wilton and P. Ann MacCuspie
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