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Imagining the Possibilities: Creative Approaches to Orientation and Mobility Instruction for Persons Who Are Visually Impaired (EPUB)

Imagining the Possibilities is a hands-on teaching resource for pre-service and practicing O&M specialists.


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Catalog Number: F-B0036-EPUB

Publishers: APH Press

Authors: Barbara A. Petersmeyer, Diane L. Fazzi,

ISBN: 978-0-89128-586-1

Product Description

This book explores creative methods of teaching various orientation and mobility techniques to persons who are blind or visually impaired, including those with multiple disabilities. It offers materials, samples, and creative teaching strategies for working effectively with students.


  • Acknowledgments


    About the Authors

    1 Preparing for Teaching: Comprehensive Assessment

    2 Laying the Groundwork for Creative Instruction: O&M Plan Basics

    3 Making Learning Meaningful and Fun: Elements of Innovative Instruction

    4 Teaching Concepts Creatively: Theory and Best Practices

    5 Integrating Individual Teaching and Learning Styles: Motivating O&M Instruction

    6 Selecting Training Environments: Sites for Different Students

    7 Choosing Teaching Materials: Maps, Models, Manipulatives, and More

    8 Working with Others: Collaboration, Professional Development, and Public Relations


    Sources of Products

    Index of Activities


    Narrative Descriptions

  • Federal Quota Funds: Not Available

    Publishers: APH Press

    Authors/Editors: Barbara A. Petersmeyer, Diane L. Fazzi,

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