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Issues and Physical Science


Federal Quota Eligible

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Catalog Number: A-B1225-00

ISBN: 978-1-60301-502-8


Product Description

Science Education for Public Understanding Program (SEPUP)

‘Issues and Physical Science is a middle level physical science program that examines issues in a societal context. The program treats issues in a way that fosters and promotes the ability of young adolescents to think abstractly, and builds upon their need for peer interaction and support. It can serve as the physical science component of an integrated, multi-year science program, or as a stand-alone, full year physical science program. The course consists of 99 activities, each requiring one to three class periods. This course can accompany Issues and Life Sciences, and Issues and Earth Science to form a complete middle level science series.’ – publisher website.

  • Weight: 36 lbs

    Federal Quota Funds: Available

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