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Keys to Educational Success: Teaching Students with Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities (EPUB)

Keys to Educational Success helps educators unlock the learning potential of their students by providing key program strategies that can be directly applied to classroom learning routines.


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Catalog Number: F-B0016-EPUB

Product Description

Every student has unique learning needs, but addressing the diverse needs of students who have visual impairments and multiple disabilities can be particularly challenging for teachers. Keys to Educational Success is also an important reference for special education teachers, educational team members, and administrators.

Price: $45.95


  • Product Type: Multiple Disabilities

    Federal Quota Funds: Not Available

    • Keys to Educational Success includes:
    • Information about the basics of assessment, IEP development, and instructional planning and design.
    • Specific strategies for essential areas of instruction including communication, literacy, O&M, behavior intervention, technology, and others.
    • Guidelines for working with very young children, as well as for preparing students for life transitions after school, are explained.
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    Toll-Free: 800-223-1839 (U.S. and Canada)
    Fax: 502-899-2284
    Hours: Monday–Friday 8:00am–8:00pm EST

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