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Learning to Listen

Learning to Listen/Listening to Learn addresses the systematic development of skills in listening for and interpreting auditory information as they relate to literacy, independent travel, and sensory and cognitive development.

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Catalog Number: F-B0040-00

Publishers: APH Press

Authors: Lizbeth A. Barclay

ISBN: 978-0-89128-491-8

Product Description

Learning to Listen/Listening to Learn is the first comprehensive work to address the systematic development of skills in listening for and interpreting auditory information for students who are blind or visually impaired. Listening skills are a crucial but often-overlooked area of instruction for children who are visually impaired and may have multiple disabilities, essential to literacy, independent travel, and sensory and cognitive development.

Chock full of practical strategies, this volume examines the development of and instruction in learning skills at different ages, from infancy through high school. It also addresses listening skills in orientation and mobility and the needs of children with multiple disabilities, hearing impairment, and learning disabilities, as well as English language learners. Appendixes provide a Listening Skills Continuum chart and a checklist to use in assessment.

To view the Table of Contents, please see the “Includes” section.


  • Foreword



    About the Contributors


    1 The Importance of Listening Instruction

    2 Infants and Toddlers: Learning to Listen

    3 Preschool and Kindergarten: Early Skill Development

    4 Elementary School: Developing and Refining Listening Skills

    5 Middle School and High School: Advanced Skill Development

    6 Listening Skills for Orientation and Mobility: Hearing the Whole Picture


    7 Students with Additional Disabilities: Learning to Listen

    8 Students with Hearing Impairments: Making the Most of Listening

    9 Listening and Understanding: Language and Learning Disabilities

    10 Listening Guidelines for English Language Learners

    Epilogue: A Personal and Professional Perspective

    Appendix A: The Listening Skills Continuum

    Appendix B: Informal Checklist for Listening Skills Development



    Narrative Descriptions



  • Product Type: Multiple Disabilities

    Federal Quota Funds: Not Available

    Publishers: APH Press

    Authors/Editors: Lizbeth A. Barclay

    • Table of Contents:
    • The Importance of Listening Instruction
    • Infants and Toddlers: Learning to Listen
    • Preschool and Kindergarten: Early Skill Development
    • Elementary School: Developing and Refining Listening Skills
    • Middle School and High School: Advanced Skill Development
    • Listening Skills for Orientation and Mobility: Hearing the Whole Picture
    • Students with Additional Disabilities: Learning to Listen
    • Students with Hearing Impairments: Making the Most of Listening
    • Listening and Understanding: Language and Learning Disabilities
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