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Place Value Setter

The Place Value Setter is a fun, hands-on way for early elementary school students, with blindness or low vision, to learn about, and develop, a firm understanding of the basic math concept, place value.


Federal Quota Eligible

286 in stock

Catalog Number: 1-08284-00

Product Description

With Place Value Setter, students will gain knowledge of conceptual models of place value and then connect that knowledge with written representations. With its refreshable and concrete display, the Place Value Setter gives students with blindness and low vision, as well as their teachers, a prompt way to represent numbers using written digits.

Designed for elementary school students, especially 1st to 3rd graders, this tool is particularly
useful for the following groups:

  • students with blindness and low vision who need to practice quick and simple place value setting
  • teachers or teaching assistants of students with visual impairments who want to set up place
  • value problems quickly so that, in inclusive settings, their students can follow classroom instructions and participate in real time
  • classroom activities
  • for non-braille readers such as parents and sighted students to work together with students with visual impairments
  • for students who benefit from hands-on learning to get a concrete learning experience
  • Weight: 1.15 lbs

    Dimensions: 18.5 × 15 × 0.75 in

    Federal Quota Funds: Available

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    Hours: Monday–Friday 8:00am–8:00pm EST

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