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Summer of Hammers and Angels


Federal Quota Eligible

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Catalog Number: A-L01158-00

ISBN: 978-1-60898-111-3


Product Description

‘Delia’s summer is getting off to a terrible start. First, an inspector shows up at the house and threatens to condemn it. Then lightning strikes, literally, and Mama ends up in the hospital. To make matters even worse, with no other family to speak of, Delia is forced to move in with her nemesis, Tommy ‘as-dense-as-a-stump’ Parker. Not one to sit around doing nothing, Delia huddles with her best friend, Mae, and reluctantly recruits Tommy, to help. The three of them resolve to tackle the long list of repairs, one by one. But Delia quickly discovers that it takes more than energy and willingness to handle some problems. When things go from bad to worse, Delia has to take another tack, one that starts with admitting she just can’t do what needs to be done without a lot more help. The Summer of Hammers and Angels is the story of an amazing summer in a girl’s life, a summer of surprises and challenges, of shocks and recovery, of discoveries and friendship, and of loneliness and community’–P. [4] of cover.

  • Weight: 4 lbs

    Federal Quota Funds: Available

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