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TactPlus Printer and Paper Bundle

APH has discontinued sale of the Tactplus Printer and related products. Please visit Ability2Access for ongoing sales and support.


This product is discontinued.

Catalog Number: 1-08062-00

Product Description

The TactPlus printer, with its specialty capsule paper, is the perfect tactile printing solution for the office, classroom, or at home.

The TactPlus printer offers a revolutionary design driven by thermal printing. This ground-breaking technology enables 3-D images to be printed from a single device, at a price that’s more affordable than ever before. TactPlus can only be used with its specialized paper. Similar to swell paper, this fine, thermal, foamed capsule paper is heated by the TactPlus printer, printing high-quality braille and graphics, in one easy step. One TactPlus printer and paper bundle.


  • Product Type: Assistive, Tactile Learning

    Federal Quota Funds: Not Available

  • Customer Service and Technical Support

    Toll-Free: 800-223-1839 (U.S. and Canada)
    Fax: 502-899-2284
    Hours: Monday–Friday 8:00am–8:00pm EST

  • Contact Customer Service to discuss your warranty options.