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Teaching the Student with a Visual Impairment: A Primer for the Classroom Teacher (TSVI)

This book assists the all-inclusive classroom teacher in preparing for the unique educational needs of the student with low vision.


Federal Quota Eligible

49 in stock

Catalog Number: 1-08290-00

Product Description

TSVI assists the all-inclusive classroom teacher in preparing for the unique educational needs of the student with low vision. Addresses the unique sets of challenges found in educating the student with low vision. This is a practical guide for teachers, parents, and others who teach, love, and live with the student with low vision.

Rich facts and tips, TSVI guides the reader in how to prepare for the unique educational needs of the student with a visual impairment. This guide primarily focuses on the all-inclusive classroom for students K-12.

  • Weight: 4.535 lbs

    Dimensions: 14.5 × 12.75 × 3.3 in

    Federal Quota Funds: Available



    Language: English

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