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Trouble Don’t Last


Federal Quota Eligible

Out of stock

Catalog Number: A-L00463-00

Publication Date: 20030101

ISBN: 0-440-41811-9


Product Description

Samuel, an eleven-year-old Kentucky slave, and Harrison, the elderly slave who helped raise him, attempt to escape to Canada via the Underground Railroad. Eleven-year-old Samuel was born as Master Hackler’s slave, and working the Kentucky farm is the only life he’s ever known, until one dark night in 1859, that is. With no warning, cranky old Harrison, a fellow slave, pulls Samuel from his bed and, together, they run. Shelley Pearsall tells a suspenseful, emotionally charged story of freedom and family. Trouble Don’t Last includes a historical note and map.

  • Weight: 4 lbs

    Federal Quota Funds: Available

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