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UEB Math Tutorial

APH’s online UEB Math Tutorial informs teachers and students on using UEB for mathematics through online lessons and exercises. And it’s free-of-charge!

Federal Quota Eligible

Catalog Number: D-30032-ED

Product Description

APH’s UEB Math Tutorial contains over fifty lessons broken up into 10 chapters that cover the rules of UEB Mathematics. This web-based program runs on any modern computer platform, works well with refreshable braille displays, and it’s available free-of-charge from APH at!

Each lesson contains four sections:
• Explanation
• Reading Exercises
• Writing Exercises
• Proofreading Exercises”

A Few Facts:
• Future jobs will require an increased emphasis on technical skills.
• Technical skills require study in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) disciplines.
• To effectively study STEM content, a student must be able to read and write mathematics.
• The UEB code gives students the tools needed to write and read mathematics.
• The UEB Math Tutorial, along with the Nemeth Tutorial, allows students and teachers to learn and practice Braille mathematics in their preferred Braille code.

  • Federal Quota Funds: Available

    Media: Software

    Product Type: Braille Learning

    • Ages 5 and up.Sighted User Features:
    • Braille displayed with a Unicode font
    • Braille can be entered with a standard QWERTY keyboard using six-key entry
    • Mathematical expressions are displayed using MathMLBlind User Features:
    • Works with existing screen readers on all major platforms
    • Supports input and output with Braille Displays
  • Customer Service and Technical Support

    Toll-Free: 800-223-1839 (U.S. and Canada)
    Fax: 502-899-2284
    Hours: Monday–Friday 8:00am–8:00pm EST

  • Contact Customer Service to discuss your warranty options.