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Vision and the Brain: Understanding Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children (EPUB)

Vision and the Brain is a unique and comprehensive sourcebook of current knowledge about CVI and best practices for working with children with CVI.


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Catalog Number: F-B0020-EPUB

Product Description

Cerebral visual impairment, also known as cortical visual impairment, has become the most common cause of visual impairment in children in the United States and the developed world. Expert contributors from many countries illuminate the complexities of vision loss related to brain injury and neurological causes and provide readers with approaches to
assessment and intervention. Vision and the Brain provides current research and thinking on CVI including: the role of the brain in vision; effects of brain damage on vision; impact of CVI on child development; donsideration in behavioral diagnosis; CVI, autism spectrum disorders, and ADHD; eye movement disorders in children with CVI; and refractive errors and impaired focusing.

To view the Table of Contents, please see the “Includes” section.

Price: $55.95

This item is made to order, therefore all sales are final. 

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    • Table of Contents:Part I
    • Chapter 1: Impairment of Vision Due to Damage to the Brain
    • Chapter 2: The Brain and Vision
    • Chapter 3: Disorders of the Brain and How They Can Affect Vision
    • Chapter 4: The Potential Impact of Visual Impairment and CVI on Child Development
    • Chapter 5: Brain Plasticity and Development
    • Chapter 6: The Role of Attention and Executive Brain Functions in Seeing and Behavior in Children with CVI
    • Chapter 7: Considerations in the Behavioral Diagnosis of CVI: Issues, Cautions, and Potential OutcomesPart II: Related Visual Issues
    • Chapter 8: Eye Movement Disorders in Children with Cerebral Visual Impairment
    • Chapter 9: Refractive Errors, Impaired Focusing, and the Need for Eyeglasses in Children with CVIPart III: Assessment of Children with CVI
    • Chapter 10: Assessment of Children with CVI: Introduction and Overview
    • Chapter 11: Assessment of Functional Vision: History Taking for Children with CVI
    • Chapter 12: Assessment of Visual Function and Functional Vision
    • Chapter 13: Assessment of Functional VIsion: Assessment of Visual Processing in Children with CVI
    • Chapter 14: Assessments Linked to Interventions: Observational Assessment of Young Children with Multiple Disabilities
    • Chapter 15: Assessments Linked to Interventions: Literacy and Math
    • Chapter 16: Assessments Linked to Interventions: Independent Living Skills
    • Chapter 17: Assessments Linked to Interventions: Orientation and Mobility
    • Chapter 18: Assessments Linked to Interventions: Computers, Tablets, and Other Assistive TechnologyPart IV: Intervention
    • Chapter 19: Intervention Methods: Overview and Principles
    • Chapter 20: Cerebral Visual Impairment and Cerebral Blindness in Very Young Children: Connecting Assessment to Intervention
    • Chapter 21: Improving Functional Use of Vision for Children with CVI and Multiple Disabilities
    • Chapter 22: Parent-Recommended Strategies to Assist Children with CVI
    • Chapter 23: Supports for Children and Families
    • Chapter 24: Insights from Adult Neuro-vision Rehabilitation and Habilitative/Rehabilitative Considerations for Children
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