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War, Peace, and All That Jazz, 1918-1945


Federal Quota Eligible

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Catalog Number: A-B0979-00

Publication Date: 20060101

ISBN: 978-0-19-532723-6


Product Description

From woman’s suffrage to Babe Ruth’s home runs, from Louis Armstrong’s jazz to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s four presidential terms, from the finale of one world war to the dramatic close of the second, War, Peace, and All That Jazz presents the story of some of the most exciting years in U.S. history. With the end of World War I, many Americans decided to live it up, going to movies, driving cars, and cheering baseball games a plenty. But alongside this post-WWI spree was high unemployment, hard times for farmers, ever-present racism, and, finally, the Depression, the worst economic disaster in U.S. history, flip-flopping the nation from prosperity to scarcity. Along came one of our country’s greatest leaders, F.D.R., who promised a New Deal, gave Americans hope, and then saw them through the horrors and victories of World War II. These three decades–full of optimism and despair, progress and Depression, and, of course, War, Peace, and All That Jazz –forever changed the United States.

  • Weight: 16 lbs

    Federal Quota Funds: Available

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